Artist and writer. On double-secret probation.

This photo was taken with a cellphone camera, circa 2005 at the place where I worked as a receptionist. To all of those that had to cross paths with me and my chaos at that time, whether as periphery or main characters, I sincerely apologize. For the rest of you, I don't know. Don't buy all the hotdogs? I would describe myself as eclectic in tastes and interests and somewhat inattentive. Less generous descriptions might include messy, inscrutable, and a tendency towards clutter and ennui that can make it uncomfortable to share space with me. Current for-real items on my to-do list are to finish memorizing the hiragana, katakana, and kanji alphabets, work on calligraphy, and make friends with a crow.

​I collect ephemera, particularly board games and trading cards, Patron Saint prayer cards, vintage hotel postcards, photographs of swimming pools and divers, science textbooks, fortune-telling decks, encyclopedias, shadow boxes, maps, and all sorts of things in miniature. I love poetry, music, painting, mythology, folklore, graveyards, and junk shops. I especially love bookmaking and crinkly paper.

Very little of this work contributes to my primary source of income, and my bank balance reflects this.

Medium member since November 2023
Friend of Medium since December 2023
Connect with Jennifer Van Orman