Why It Might Seem Like Neurodivergent People Have No Filter

Jennifer Van Orman
1 min readDec 6, 2023
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Most people who only kind of know me would probably describe me as kind of reserved and quiet. So the no-filter speaking thing might seem surprising. But something I have realized about myself fairly recently is that I never really learned how to make friends. So I am winging it a lot. And I have found in general, I can’t tell you something about myself without telling you everything. Trying to get to know me is like handing an alcoholic a beer. One thing is not going to be illuminating, so at some point, I will need to tell you all the things. If we get through it, we will be friends for life. But most of you are probably going to have to tap out. I get it. It will hurt my feelings briefly, but I totally get it.

