You Are An Event, Not a Solid

Guinevere Vanderpants
3 min readDec 1, 2023

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It would not be a good idea to get a physics degree at this point in my life right? Not because higher education isn’t worth it, but I sometimes think the tendency for those of us with existing degrees to fall back into academia and a lifetime of student loans is a strong and persistent one. But, if I have one regret in life, it is that I did not understand how fascinating physics proved to be until I was out of college, but it hasn’t deterred me from continuing to study it.

Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

I felt an immense sense of gratitude that I have stuck with it when I read the ideas described in the 6th chapter of Carlo Rovelli's The Order of Time: (emphasis mine)

“The entire evolution of science would suggest that the best grammar for thinking about the world is that of change, not of permanence. Not of being, but of becoming.

We can think of the world as made up of things. Of substances. Of entities. Of something that is. Or we can think of it as made up of events. Of happenings. Of processes. Of something that occurs. Something that does not last, and that undergoes continual transformation, that is not permanent in time. The destruction of the notion of time in…

